Public Health Care Conference

Conference Theme : Disease Prevention and Control

Serebryany Roman Sergeevich

Tbilisi State Medical University, Georgia


Specialist in the field of Social Hygiene,  Public Health, and History of Medicine.
From 1964 to 2003 he worked as a doctor of the SMP, junior researcher, and head of the Laboratory, Director of the Republican Center for Scientific and Medical Information of the Ministry of Health of the Georgian SSR, Since 2003, He was the Head of laboratory of the NGO "Medical Encyclopedia" (since 2006, the Research Institute of the History of Medicine of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences), since 2013, He is working as a leading researcher at the National Research Institute of Public Health named after N.A. Se
Publications Published by him during 2018-2023.
1. Yaremchuk O.V., Serebryany R.S. Personnel Potential of the Maternity and Infancy Protection  System (OMM) in Samara Province before the Great Patriotic War. Bulletin. N.A. Semashko Research Institute of Public Health. M., 2018, V.1, 96 - 9
2. Serebryany R. S., Yaremchuk O.V. Z. Indicators of Children under 1 year in Samara Province (KUIBYSHEV REGION) Historical Aspect. Bulletin. N.A.Semashko M. Research Institute of Public Health, 2018, V.1, 66 -9