Public Health Care Conference

Conference Theme : Disease Prevention and Control

Dalia Luksiene

Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Lithuania


Dalia Luksiene works as a professor at the Faculty of Public Health at the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (LSMU) and as a senior researcher at the Laboratory of Population Studies of Cardiology Institute at LSMU. My research experience is 21 years (since 2002), and my teaching experience is 17 years (since 2006). The recent field of interests – lifestyle habits (nutrition habits, smoking habits, physical activity, psychological well-being), living environment factors and their relation to demographic, social factors, and mortality risk from all-cause and CVD among the adult population. Assessment of changes in the prevalence of CVD risk factors - metabolic syndrome and its components, dyslipidaemias, and lifestyle habits among Lithuanian adult urban residents, and evaluation of the influence of their combinations on the occurrence and progression of CVD and other chronic non-communicable diseases. I am a co-author of 216 scientific publications, including 59 articles from DB Clarivate Analytics Web of Science.