Public Health Care Conference

Conference Theme : Disease Prevention and Control

Henry Ofosu Addo

Takoradi Technical University of Ghana, Ghana


Henry Ofosu Addo is a Professor of Applied Parasitology, specializing in zoonotic diseases and Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs). Henry has over 15 years’ of experience as a scientist, researcher and academic advisor. He received his Bachelor’s Degree in Biological Sciences and Master of Philosophy Degree in Zoology (Applied Parasitology option), both from the University of Ghana. He also holds a Ph.D. in Applied Parasitology from the Department of Animal Biology and Conservation Science of the School of Biological Sciences of the University of Ghana. His Ph.D. thesis “Transmission of Selected Pig-Related Zoonotic Pathogens Along the Pork value chain in Ghana” focussed on the Integration of the One Health Concept in the control of zoonotic diseases.

He holds a considerable wealth of experience in lecturing and supervision of students’ academic work having worked as a Lecturer at the Faculty of Public Health and Allied Sciences of the Catholic University College of Ghana for eight years between 2009 and 2017. He has taught courses like Epidemiology, Environmental Health, Research Methods, and Disease Control among others. He has also worked with the Centre for Plant Medicine Research (Ghana), rising to become the Acting Head of the Department of the Coordinating Office for Research and Innovation. He currently has fifteen  publications in peer-reviewed journals with others under peer review.He is currently a part-time Lecturer in the Department of Industrial and Health Sciences at the Takoradi Technical University of Ghana.